Humane Profiling: Caring enough to vilify and discriminate
Kentucky Humane Society's kinder, gentler approach to breed extermination
Louisville Courier-Journal coverage reads like a humaniac seduction scene from hell. Just reach for those rose-tinted glasses, and you might almost believe the good intentions.
However. . .
Kentucky Humane Society is selling out dog owners
In 2006 the Humane Society of the United States and Democratic City Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton (over the opposition of every credible animal-related organization in the country) fought and failed to legislatively profile dog owners and their dogs and restrict or ban "pit bulls" (and a variety of other breeds).

KHS is implementing Plan B--the kinder, gentler,
breed specific freebie castration approach.
Why? KHS says that intact dogs are a "
public safety risk". Interesting that KHS's news release didn't address all dogs in Louisville, though. Just "pit bulls."
Why else? KHS says there is a "
overpopulation" of dogs in the area. Not all dogs, though. Just "pit bulls."
What constitutes an "overpopulation", and what created it? The KHS press release didn't say.
Crocodile tears for pit bulls
While researching for this blog I scanned a year's worth of
KHS newsletters. There were pictures of big dogs, little dogs, hairy dogs, houndy dogs, white dogs, black dogs, old dogs, young dogs. . .but not one picture of what was appeared to be a pit bull.
Petfinder listing today doesn't show any pit bulls up for adoption, either.
How very odd.
This is an organization striving to do the right thing for pit bulls? Where
are the pit bulls? KHS seems to deny any possibility of showing pit bulls in a positive light, or as adoptable dogs.
Are they only interested in permanently removing pit bulls from the gene pool? Yeesh. Talk about "
one generation and out." HSUS Pres and CEO Wayne Pacelle would be so very proud.
Kentucky Humane's burned bridges and broken faith with dog owners
Last year, dog owners in Louisville watched "humane" organizations conspire in a year-long campaign to make dog ownership a joyless affair in Louisville.
As a result, dog owners have 90 new pages of animal control ordinance to contend with, governing everything from permissible leash length on up. They watched them support Cheri Bryant Hamilton and the Humane Society of the United States at every devious turn of that long,
long negotiation. The ordinance that was rammed down the throats of pet owners in Louisville may well be illegal.
Where was the outrage when the
Humane Society of the United States advocated breed specific measures , and profiled some dog owners as "
drug dealers, gang members, and anyone else who is looking for a dog to be a status symbol"?
Did "humane organizaitons " argue that pandering to the media and fear-mongering is no way to respond to any "overpopulation" issues?
Not Really.
Unkindest cut of all: profiling entire neighborhoods of dog owners

We're not talking status symbols and La-la Land, folks.
When the Kentucky Humane Society called out seven Louisville zip codes for extra special attention, and free transportation to the pit bull castration fields. . .that was a whole 'nother field of endeavor. Its called
Red-lining Louisville Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton
KHS offered free transportation, just for pit bulls, and just for pit bulls belonging to residents of certain parts of Louisville--
including Cheri Bryant Hamilton's neighborhood.
I wonder how Cheri feels about being lumped in with the drug dealers, gang members and the twisted thrill seekers the HSUS so loves to rage about.
Surprise, Cheri! You've just been profiled based on your zip code. How's it feel?
I wonder how Cheri's neighbors and constituents feel about it, too. I'd be pissed as hell.
Its not gonna be any picnic at Kentucky Humane Society
You think those dog owners will happily pack their dogs off for a day under the knife at Kentucky Humane, all alone,

like trusting families send their kids to summer camp?
Man, I sure wouldn't.
Troubling trend: HSUS/DDAL partnering with Animal Farm Foundation, Pit Bull Rescue Central, others
Call me crazy, but I have a problem with dog rescue groups that ally themselves with outfits that want to
eliminate dogs from the face of the planet.
Pacelle's infamous "one generation and out. . .we have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals" doesn't jive with promoting responsible pet ownership. Not at all.
Animal Farm is
still claiming that HSUS opposes BSL. Even after HSUS's Adam Goldfarb admitted that it in Louisville HSUS advocated breed specific measures.
How sick is that?
Who's up for the next round of surgeries? Huh?
Who else is gonna get free transportation to a permanent exit from the gene pool? Once Kentucky Humane and their pals
exterminate solve the overpopulation problem with pit bulls, who's next? What breed is next on the list?
My money is on some kind of retriever. Golden, yellow lab, black lab, chocolate lab, Chessie, Toller, whatever. . .it don't matter. Maybe all of them, what the hell.
Petfinder's always got a batch of bird dogs on offer, and gawd knows, their owners are sociopathic hunters enthralled by bloodlust.
Cyclops eye pointed at. . .who? You?
Will the kind and caring folks send their free transportation squads into your neighborhood? Will your zip code be next on the list? Is your neighborhood looking a little "overpopulated" today?
Wanna schedule a freebie castration for next week, maybe? Courtesy of the Humane Society of the United States?