Count dog ownership among your civil rights? You're living in a Blue Dog State of mind.
When Floyd Boudreaux finally got his day in court, the charges were quickly dismissed.
There was no evidence that a crime had been committed.
Phantom treadmills, phantom "dogfighting pit" When the cops arrived at the home of the Boudreaux family, they didn't find any treadmills. No fighting pit. The prosecution could not produce a single witnesses able to testify to the presence of treadmills, or fighting pits on the premises.
To this day, the HSUS website insists that treadmills were found on the property. But court testimony says differently. No evidence of illegal wagering on dogfights was produced by the prosecution. The dastardly break sticks confiscated during the raid did not appear to have been used.They did find "pit bulls", though.
Dead dogs tell no talesAll of them. Even the puppies. The veterinarian that examined the dogs before they were killed acknowledged that the injuries she noted on some dogs could have been caused by something other the dogfighting. Why kill all those dogs? What was the rush? Was it because Boudreaux didn't have the cash Michael Vick had? Was it because there was no money to be made in allowing the Boudreaux dogs to live? The dogs should have been the prime evidence in a dogfighting prosecution. Instead, they disappeared forever. Before any questions could be asked. No evidence. No case. No lawful prosecution. Back in the day, when Boudreaux was raided and his dogs were killed, HSUS's Dogfight Czar John Goodwin's joy knew no bounds. "Today marks the day the 'don of dogfighting' has come down. This man is legendary in the dog fighting world," said John Goodwin, deputy manager for animal fighting issues with the Humane Society's national office. "... This man has been on our radar a long time."
HSUS and LA SPCA on the radar screen
Floyd Boudreaux's dogs are all dead. His money is gone. His family has been through hell.
Its not easy to stand up to the Humane Society of the United States and its cronies, but Floyd and his family were vindicated today.
Let's hope the Boudreaux family succeeds in settling a few scores, too.
Backdoor racism plays really well in some parts of New York, and the beauty of it all is that "urban youths" are already pariahs. Pit bull owners in general are easy pickings. But poor, black, young pit bull owners? They're defenseless.
Color and money. Status symbols okay for kings of Spain, not okay for "urban youths"
Hardiman and HSUS make a big fuss about dogs as "status symbols." As if those sly inner city youths held a monopoly on using dogs as status symbols, or for penis enhancement.
Which is it? Does HSUS have a problem with status symbols. . .or skin color?
Profiling "urban youths" based on fake statistics. Fake information. Fake news.
Every single one of the "experts" USA Today quoted in their article traces back to HSUS and its acolytes. HSUS controls the conversation. HSUS controls the "news". The USA Today article's primary source, HSUS client Tio Hardiman, invented the number of poor black and Hispanic kids involved in dogfighting -- There are at least 100,000 young kids fighting their dogs under the radar in America," estimates Chicago-based anti-violence advocate Tio Hardiman, who built his estimate on conversations with young dogfighters and authorities. . . Hardiman's analysis is based principally on "data" supplied by gangbanging, drug-dealing criminal black kids, apparently.
Count on Hardiman's wild guess, repeated over and over in follow up news coverage, to become another fake fact in the animal extremist repertoire.
Fake facts lead to an artificial crisis
According to HSUS and USA Today, dogfighting is all around us.
. . .large numbers of youngsters are conducting street dogfights "in almost every urban inner city," and the numbers are growing . . .
Not the ASPCA, which is headquartered in New York City and is charged with the enforcement of anti-dogfighting laws there.
Organized dog fighting in New York City does not appear to be prevalent, and the ASPCA rarely sees arrests for such activity. . .Currently, there are no reliable statistics . . . This is an underground, illegal activity so it is almost impossible to get accurate information about its prevalence.
Throw dinner at the wall. Go after what sticks.
This is a media war. Facts don't matter. HSUS isn't worried about the inconsistencies. It isn't worried about the truth.
HSUS sure as hell isn't worried about the well-being of "pit bulls" or "urban youths."
Any advancement in HSUS' ability to seize and kill dogs is a good thing, as far as they're concerned. Michael Vick had enough money to cover the expense of "rehabilitation" and even perpetual confinement rescue, if necessary, for his dogs.
Inner city youths don't. Their dogs will suffer and die by the hands of the impounding agencies that "saved" them.
And that's what the goal is here. One generation and out.
Pit bulls belonging to "inner city youths" first. The rest will follow.