Death Warmed Over
Dog killer Jackie Speier thinks she's ready for prime time
California Dem wants to be a U S Congresswoman
In classic Jackie-speak, she commented that its "a conscience thing" that prevents her from confirming a predatory move to take over 13 term Congressman Tom Lantos' job. Yeah, right.
Jackie lost in the primaries when she ran for Lt. Governor a year ago, and dog owners rejoiced.
"Virulent opposition from well organized and angry dog groups"
That was Jackie's characterization of opposition to SB 861--her bill that removed the protection from discrimination and profiling previously offered to California dog owners under state law.
Dog owners basically burned out the motors on her fax machine--causing spokespeople in Speiers office to comment that correspondence was coming in at nine to one against SB 861.
Jackie turned a deaf ear to dog owners. . .and lost in the primaries.
Discrimination and hatred: Does the California Democratic Party really want to go there?
Just where was Jackie's conscience when she authored SB 861, anyway? The Speiers bill continues to profile California dogs and dog owners and kill countless pit bulls whose only crime was to be caught intact in San Francisco.
Jackie Speiers and Wayne Pacelle: a match made in heaven
Humane Society of the United States wunderkind Wayne Pacelle just made it official. Echoing PETA's perverse "we love pit bulls so much we just have to kill them" logic, Wayne reasons that discrimination like Jackie Speier's SB861 will somehow protect them.
[W]e do favor local ordinances to spay and neuter pit bulls, as a way to curb the overpopulation and crack down on dogfighters and others who have the dogs for the wrong reasons. We plan to push these ordinances aggressively throughout the country.
Dog owners--and most especially pit bull owners--doncha just feel the wave of love coming your way?
Jackie's conscience is AWOL. How about the the California Democratic Party's? How about their political smarts?
Its clear that Jackie never got the message. She doesn't grasp the fact that pissing off caring dog and pet owners is a loser political position. She should just ask Lloyd Levine. He's still black and blue after California pet owners opened a can of whup ass on him.
But how about the California Democratic Party? Promoting fear, hatred and bigotry like Jackie Speiers did? Profiling dog owners as gangbanging, drug-peddling criminals like Wayne Pacelle and the HSUS does all day, everyday?
Will Jackie need to call in double-dealing so-called pit bull advocacy groups like Bad Rap for a little extra animal rights protection muscle?
That's not the Democratic Party I used to know. And not the Democratic Party dog and pet loving Californians are looking for, either.
Tom Lantos shouldn't be the obvious choice though. He sides with AR wingnuts when it comes to using animals for biomedical research. The Dems need someone better, smarter, stronger,....
Thank you for all of your posts! I, too, wonder what has happened to the Democratic Party I was raised to love and respect. When did Animal Rights become part of the party platform? How can we Democrats fix this flaw in our party?
Killer title LOL! Keep turning up the heat!
scottee1, let the California Democratic Party know what you think.
You are kidding me, read the SB 861, how many pit bulls have been killed, by the way, Pit bulls, for that matter, NO SPECIFIC breed can be targeted by this bill. READ IT! And, HOW MANY POOR pitbulls have been "put to death" in SF? Hmmmmm...get your facts straight. It's not Speier, it is you all who are full of "vicious" hyperbole. Please check you facts. You make it more about Pitbulls than any bill, politician, etc. No one said Pitbull but you, you keep bringing up that Pitbulls are targeted...uhhhhhhhh...only in articles where they have killed children, other beloved pets, etc. My poodle hasnt killed anybody yet, but I will keep my eye out, my jack russell? Territorial as she is, no killing, but I will watch her too.
Maybe someone should check there facts about Pit Bulls I have had my fair share and not all stories are true I've seen plenty of your purebred puppies on the news. Poodles may not be first in line because they are fluffy and cute but I do remember a small dog similar to a "Jack Russell" mauling a child in my area. Maybe you should think twice before blasting people who have an opinion. Dogs learn from their humans not because they are mean personally I think the target should be people who abuse their dogs not the dogs themselves.
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