Pit bull breeder Pat Patrick acquitted of all charges
Patrick's not guilty of a crime, but his dogs died anyway
Barely a month since Floyd Boudreaux's acquittal in Louisiana,

Oh, my.
How embarrassing for the Humane Society of the United States.
Fortune in Pima County's eyes
The Patrick prosecution began when HSUS brought dogfighting allegations to the attention of the Pima County Sheriff's department.

Pat Patrick's kennel is located on an attractive piece of real estate. If authorities had successfully gained control under civil asset forfeiture proceedings, the property's value would have covered the cost of all kinds of goodies for the sheriff's department.
Note to "pit bull" breeders with tangible property: get yourselves a real estate attorney and protect your homes from civil asset seizure proceedings. Do it now.
Dogfight Czar waddles to the scene
Goodwin himself showed up at Patrick's kennel during the raid (looking kinda pudgy for a vegan, don't you think?). Cameras rolled. Headlines screamed. Donate Now! emails made the rounds. John Goodwin gave interviews.
HSUS's "extensive evidence." Not.
To this day and despite the acquittal, the HSUS website boasts of the "extensive evidence" gathered as HSUS, the Humane Society of S. Arizona and the county sheriff's office swarmed over Patrick's property, gloating that. . .
With the arrests of these dogfighting kingpins, one of the most important underground dogfighting networks in the U.S. has been effectively dismantled. As a supplier of several major fighting-dog bloodlines, Patrick holds a status among professional dogfighters ranking second perhaps only to the infamous Floyd Boudreaux. . .
HSUS looked forward to a "swift and decisive prosecution".
But just as Floyd Boudreaux was promptly acquitted when he finally got his day in court, the case against Patrick fell into little itty bitty pieces.
Scorched earth policy: HSUS raids leave no dog standing

Dogfight Czar Goodwin must love the smell of napalm in the morning.
Goodwin & Co. made no plans to hold the Patrick dogs as evidence pending trial.
Eleven months of "investigating" Pat Patrick -- plenty of time to find housing -- and the world's largest, wealthiest "animal protection" organization made no arrangements to provide for dogs it "rescued."
Pat Patrick's dogs made for great photo opportunities, though. They were reportedly very sweet, and HSUS exploited their PR value every chance they got. And then HSUS arranged for 94 dogs to die.

This old timer, photographed with an HSUS "rescuer," was seized and killed six months before Pat Patrick even went to trial.
Patrick, like Floyd Boudreaux, was sentenced to the (permanent) loss of his dogs by the Humane Society of the United States.
Prior to the court proceedings that vindicated him.

The pups were supposed to be part of the program.
Czar Goodwin even got a little sentimental about it--
It's heartwarming to see these lucky puppies have an opportunity at a better life, while being ambassadors for their much-maligned breed. . .
But Jessup killed the puppies, including this one, all the same.
Must be the season of the bitch
Bad Rap -- the notorious San Francisco pit bull boutique that co-authored and enabled SB 861 and thus collaborated in the incremental extermination of "pit bulls" in California -- picked up a couple of Patrick dogs, too.
Donna Reynolds, Bad Rap's arrogant queen of double-speak, rationalized it this way:
"The system killed the dogs because NOBODY WANTED THEM."
Nobody wanted them? Is she crazy? Pat Patrick and Emily Dennis wanted their dogs. Desperately.
Unproved allegations are lethal to pit bulls
Did the Pima County Sheriff's office get kissed first?

Cause they sure got left holding the bag, didn't they?
Will HSUS bail out Pima County if the consequences for killing Patrick's innocent dogs prove costly? Will HSUS come to the aid of LA SPCA, which pointlessly slaughtered the Boudreaux dogs?
This three year veteran of the Chicago Police Department’s Animal Abuse Control Team thinks the $5,000 bounty HSUS offers for dogfighting tips is a scam.
This has to stop.
We cannot allow pit bull breeders to suffer the loss of their dogs based on allegations.
HSUS, its cohorts like the Pima County Sheriff's Department, and its apologists -- like Bad Rap -- are turning the country into a police state.
The time to stop it is now, before its too late.