"an interim policy recommending all dogs be evaluated as individuals. . .[HSUS] is calling a meeting of leading animal welfare organizations concerning dogs victimized by dog fighting."
Wayne was going to do the right thing. Of course he was! Wayne was setting up a conference and everything!
Nevermind what Dogfight Czar Goodwin said : "the dogs have been bred for fighting and it would very difficult and expensive to re-train the dogs, even the puppies. . ."
Nevermind what HSUS's North Carolina Regional Representative, Amanda Arrington, said : "these particular dogs have been bred for aggression."
The proper audience response is. . .
Shock and awe
So get with the program. And assume the position.
The magic wand has been waved. Pixie dust is in the air.
Or maybe not.
Will Pit Bull owners and advocates buy into the reformation of HSUS?
I don't know about you, but I'm not about to forget the thousands of helpless dogs that died, and still die each year, because HSUS says they must.
Every shelter dog deserves a fair evaluation. Yes, Biscuit is right.
Does HSUS think their "experts" are up to the task? Cause HSUS brought in an "expert" to look at Pat Patrick's dogs, and we all know how that went.
Kick HSUS the hell out
The Humane Society of the United States needs to get out of the pit bull "rescue" biz.
They have no credibility. They are not "stakeholders" and have no place among the "national stakeholder organizations that deal with pit bulls" that Pacelle says he invited to his little conference.
History cannot be rewritten.
Core values won't go away after a kissy-kissy weekend in Vegas.
Wayne Pacelle wants my dog dead.
He wants your dog dead.
Pacelle hired a convicted ALF terrorist, and made the freak his "issues expert" on dogfighting.
He's offering a $5000 bounty for report-a-neighbor "dogfighting" tips.
It doesn't get more irresponsible, more hate-driven, more pathological than that.
Tell ya what, Wayne
Invite Floyd Boudreaux to speak at your little conference. Floyd would likely be the only one in the room with any true expertise on the evaluation, care and handling of high drive, real deal "pit bulls."
Acknowledge the AADR, or the ADBA, or crap, even the UKC, as a "national pit bull stakeholder." Invite them to your Vegas shindig.
Maybe then folks might, just might, believe you aren't still shitting them.