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Donations to the Humane Society of the United States at work
How a national extremist agenda gets served with a smile in New York
Donations to the Humane Society of the United States at work
How a national extremist agenda gets served with a smile in New York
With a scant three weeks left in the New York legislative session and not a whole lot to show for it yet, employees of the Humane Society of the United States--the largest, wealthiest animal extremist organization in the world--kicked in to high gear in late May.
Endgame strategy?
Convert brains at the state capital into gelatinous mush, the HSUS way.
HSUS Regional Director Patrick Kwan: Hey, that's how he rolls.
And Kwan appears to have packed his toothbrush and airline frequent flyer card as the critical end-of-legislative-session last week of May came to a close. As Kwan's Twitter log of activities documented, the HSUS's point man in New York didn't spend much time at home as the lobbying season reached its climax.

And Kwan appears to have packed his toothbrush and airline frequent flyer card as the critical end-of-legislative-session last week of May came to a close. As Kwan's Twitter log of activities documented, the HSUS's point man in New York didn't spend much time at home as the lobbying season reached its climax.
From social calls on hens roosters (oops! good the Farm Sanctuary supporter got that pesky detail ironed out), a cameo appearance on public radio, and a barnstorming campaign through upstate New York, Kwan racked up the mileage. And he kept up a steady barrage of tweets and twitters--keep those home fires burning!--as he did it.
Bliggety blogs, facey spaces and tweetie pages
So here's Kwan's own rendition of how he spent the last week of May, with notations in bold. [And, yeah, I removed the links plugging extremist websites. They can get their own damn blogs.]
May 24: Visiting the rescued roosters . . . b4 their trip to sanctuary
May 27: My interview w/ WNYC
Assm Lentol @NYSenate Stavisky bill to strengthen NY animal fighting laws Note: Kwan's radio interview mentions neither Asy. Lentol or Sen. Stavisky. Lentol chairs the committee where HSUS's proposal is now stalled and Stavisky is the Senate sponsor of the proposal.
But hey, a free tweet is a free tweet.
May 27: 3 "hens" I transported . . .are roosters. . . .
May 28: Visits & meetings w/ @FarmSanctuary + Tompkins County SPCA today; Lobbying for Animals workshop in Ithaca tonight
Note: Sen. James Seward, representing Ithaca, sits on the NY Senate Agriculture committee. On May 28, several extremist proposals, including one endorsed by the Humane Society of the United States, were stalled in the the NYS Senate Ag. Com.
Taste of Thai in Ithaca Commons was awesome - seitan + labeled vegan desserts May 29: Great meeting w/ the fine folks of Citizens Campaign for the Environment who are doing amazing anti-CAFO work. Watertown, NY
Note: Watertown is home to Senate Ag. Committee chair, Darrel Aubertine. Had privilege to meet his son Ken Wiwa at Amnesty AGM RT @amnesty Ken Saro-Wiwa: The Legacy of an Environ. Defender Jefferson County SPCA loves ZooToo and shows it!
Note: Aubertine's home, near Watertown, is in Jefferson County
Will get to Syracuse around midnight to celebrate their 1st anniversay. 30%off vegan milkshakes + free cupcakes!
Note: Syracuse is the home district of Sen. D. Valesky. Valesky is the third ranking Democrat in NY's Democratically controlled Senate, and he sits on the Senate Ag. committee.
May 30: Just spoke to an amazing + inspiring crowd of anti-puppy mills advocates
Back to NYC tmrrw nite after advocacy tour of Woodstock, Binghamton, Watkins Glen, Ithaca, Watertown, Delmar, + Syracuse!
Note: Sen. Neil Breslin represents Delmar and sits on the NYS Senate Ag. committee.
At Recess Cafe in Syracuse for every Sat all-you-can-eat $5 vegan BBQ. In a business suit. Ha! May 31: Demo today from 11am-Noon in Cicero, NY to urge Petland to stop supporting puppy mills + selling puppies. See you there? Syracuse Airport - GOOD: Free WiFi + Ziploc bags at security BAD: No soymilk at the Au Bon Pain. Urgh
So, connect the dots. What do you get?

On June 2, two anti-pet breeder proposals--disguised as anti-"puppymill" bills--moved favorably out of the NY Senate Ag. committee.
One proposal would shut down small, hobby pet breeders. The other one is a limit law which will close moderate-to-large kennels and catteries. Both are in perfect alignment with HSUS head honcho Wayne Pacelle's "One generation and out. We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals." goal. HSUS backs similar proposals in many states, most notably California.
The New York State Ag. Committee is chaired by the senator from Watertown. Members include the senators representing Delmar, Ithaca and Syracuse. Coincidence?
I'm just saying. . .
Your donations at work: gelatinous mush through lower intestines

Patrick hasn't posted his Travel & Expense report on Twitter, but zig-zagging around upstate New York doesn't come cheap. New York ain't Texas, but its a far piece from Brooklyn to Woodstock to Syracuse to Delmar to. . .
Somebody's got to pay.
I'm thinking its going to be the animals. The ones that remain caged in shelters throughout the country--particularly the pit bulls--because HSUS chooses to spend its money on lobbying, public relations and expanding its own influence.
And leaves the messy stuff to others.