Die, die, die says Dogfight Czar John Goodwin
Newborn puppies are too dangerous to live
127 dogs, including 60 puppies, were killed by Wilkes County, North Carolina this week after their owner plead guilty to dogfighting charges.
His dogs, including 60 puppies -- including newborns like this one -- are all dead.
Newborn puppies are too expensive to save
The world's largest, wealthiest "animal protection" organization -- one with over $113 million in assets and a reported income of over $100 million -- stood by while dogs are slaughtered. HSUS advocated it, in fact.
Goodwin sez. . .
"it would very difficult and expensive to re-train the dogs, even the puppies. . ."
This is going to leave a mark, Pacelle.
Some of my favorites--
Caveat has an excellent summary-- Time to Take the "Humane" out of HSUS
Lassie, Get Help: Worse than Vick Yes, indeed.
Yes, Biscuit's got HSUS cold: Pants on Fire
Even HSUS's usual apologists aren't happy. Wayne's trying to change the subject, but the stink of HSUS's role in slaughtering innocent dogs is everywhere.
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Frog Dog Blog knows fraud when she sees it. Got a blog? Website? E-list? Put this widget up, courtesy Frog Dog Blog.
No more dead dogs
Sickened by extraordinarily wealthy multinational "animal protection" organizations that advocate the death of tiny puppies? Got a problem with donations to save animals that instead fund killing sprees?
Me, too.
Help get the truth out. Put up the widget, get yourself a blog, newsletter, whatever.
Be a part of the solution.
Yes, yes, yes - the more people calling out the HSUS over this, the better.
Blue Dog, I think you'd better watch your back. Seems like the HSUS has the power to order any dogs' death. You keep this up they may come after you!
Seriously, dude, I love your honesty, anger, and intensity. I look forward to every new post.
This is so unfortunate, I am feeling so bad about it!
I'd like to link to this post.
Jan, go right ahead.
This code
will take your readers directly to the post
We were all set to post one of these on our sidebar. And then when we clicked on "share," it wanted our blogger ID and password. We prefer to be able to post things ourselves.
But these widgets are a great idea.
regarding the widget--
Strange. I don't get a prompt asking for a blogger ID when I click on "share" -- at the bottom of the menu I could just click on "embed copy" and received the widget code.
Try visiting Frog Dog. She created the widgets, has a bunch of variations up.
Amazing site full of great but sad information. Keep up the great work for our furry friends...Hudson (http://hudson-imkindofabigdeal.blogspot.com) I'd love to link to you.
Wow, so true! You are well informed and not alone! Wayne Pacelle is well known to only care about his future political career and not about the animals we care so much about. The Humane Society of the United States and Wayne Pacelle has been relentlessly fooling donators for years with his false prophet persona. It is truly a crime that HSUS and Wayne Pacelle can lead such a sinful campaign to destroy, not save, these precious animals. Less than four percent of HSUS donations ever make it to the homeless animals. Shame on Wayne Pacelle and the HSUS! You are not fooling us anymore! HSUS equals no more domestic dogs!
sometimes I can see the widget and sometimes not. I've put it up 3 times and sometimes it shows up and sometimes not. Hmmmm what am I doing wrong?
HSUS loves to kill Pit Bulls. Also, they want to end pet ownership. Why are animal lovers still donating to this vegan America at-all-cost and pet liberation organization? BOYCOTT ELLEN DEGENERES AND RUSH LIMBAUGH FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF THE HSUS TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!
Thank you so much for this!
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